FFI Publikasjoner: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 2956
Kremls økonomiske planer – den russiske regjeringens forslag til føderalt budsjett for 2025 og planperioden 2026–2027
(2024-11-29)Den 30. september 2024 ble den russiske regjeringens forslag til føderalt budsjett for 2025 og planperioden 2026–2027 lagt frem. Budsjettet er ventet vedtatt i slutten av november 2024. Denne rapporten analyserer de viktigste ... -
Merutnyttelse av E-blanks med app for skytetrening og Saab-integrasjon – med Hurtig problemløsning som metode
(2024-11-28)I 2022 etablerte FFIs senter for innovasjon i forsvarssektoren, ICE worx, en ny type innovasjonsaktivitet som ble kalt Hurtig problemløsning (HP). En HP-aktivitet skal bidra til å identifisere behov hos Forsvaret, iterativt ... -
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling of aerodynamic coefficients of projectiles moving at subsonic and supersonic speed
(2024-11-28)Aerodynamic coefficients of drag, lift and overturning moment for a small-calibre projectile are calculated using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling applying the Fluent hydrocode. 250 computational cores were used ... -
Direct hearing measurements in a baleen whale suggest ultrasonic sensitivity
(2024-11-21)Predicting and mitigating the impacts of anthropogenic ocean noise on marine animals is hindered by a lack of information on hearing in these species. We established a catch-and-release program to temporarily hold adolescent ... -
Fusion of passive and active electro-optical sensor data for enhanced scene understanding in challenging conditions
(2024-11-01)Passive electro-optical systems, such as visible and infrared light cameras, and active systems, such as ladar or LiDAR, can acquire detailed two- and three-dimensional images of a scene. This paper presents a sensor fusion ... -
On the importance of systems thinking in ERW (explosive remnants of war) risk management
(2024-01-02)One of the legacies of armed conflict is unexploded ordnance and abandoned ammunition. This legacy will, in many cases, have a severe impact on society and daily life, even for years or decades after hostilities have ... -
How to Understand Climate Change as a Threat Multiplier in the Arctic
(2024-11-18)The aim of this paper is to analyse climate change as a threat multiplier to security dilemmas in the Arctic. Security dilemmas occur when one state’s efforts to enhance its security provokes reactions from other states, ... -
Forsvarsindustrien i Norge – statistikk for 2023
(2024-10-24)Vi har studert nøkkeltall for 2023 fra virksomhetene i forsvarsindustrien i Norge. Industrien har samlet sett rapportert om vekst i forsvarsrelatert omsetning på 32 %. Både omsetningen til Forsvaret, til andre norske kunder ... -
Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and associated factors among professional orchestra musicians in Norway
(2024-06-06)Background: Orchestra musicians have a high risk of experiencing musculoskeletal problems. These problems may lead to sleep and psychological disturbance. Objectives: This study investigated the occurrence of musculoskeletal ... -
War, diplomacy, and more war: why did the Minsk agreements fail?
(2024-11-15)Despite significant Western involvement, most notably by the leaders of Germany, France, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the diplomatic efforts in 2014 and 2015 to forge a functioning ... -
Identification of complexes formed between sulphur mustards and arsenic-containing chemical warfare agents
(2024-10-22)Large quantities of toxic chemical warfare material, such as mixtures of sulphur mustard (HD) and arsenic-containing chemical warfare agents (As-CWAs) have been submerged in the Baltic Sea region after World War II. Little ... -
Numerical simulation of hydrogen dispersion in an open-ended rectangular channel
(2024-11-26)In this work, large-eddy simulations of hydrogen dispersion from turbulent subsonic hydrogen-gas emissions in a 5.8 × 0.9 × 0.8 m open-ended channel are described. Such numerical modeling of hydrogen-related processes ... -
Opptak av rester fra ammunisjon i oppdrettsanlegg ved dumpefelt
(2024-11-04)I en undersøkelse av fisk og skalldyr fanget i dumpefelt for ammunisjon i 2021 ble det funnet rester av eksplosiver i alle lokalitetene som ble undersøkt. Det var derfor en bekymring i Mattilsynet om at oppdrettsanlegg som ... -
A Modular Smart Ocean Observatory for Development of Sensors, Underwater Communication and Surveillance of Environmental Parameters
(2024-10-10)The rapid growth of marine industries has emphasized the focus on environmental impacts for all industries, as well as the influence of key environmental parameters on, for instance, offshore wind or aquaculture performance, ... -
Warpath ASV – situational awareness for autonomous surface vessels
(2024-10-31)In order to operate in a complex and unpredictable environment, autonomous surface vessels (ASVs) must be able to generate their own situational awareness (SA). Here we present Warpath ASV, a ASV-tailored specialization ... -
Personellets preferanser for bosted – geografisk mobilitet blant militært personell
(2024-10-31)Det er nokså stor uoverensstemmelse mellom bosettingsstrukturen i Norge og tjenestestedene i Forsvaret. Forsvarets særegne geografiske behov illustreres godt ved at 43 prosent av militære stillinger befinner seg i områder ... -
Pendle- og flyttemønsteret i Forsvaret 2013–2023 –geografisk mobilitet blant militært personell
(2024-10-31)Den norske sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitikken krever et betydelig militært nærvær i Nord-Norge. Forsvarets geografiske fotavtrykk står dermed i kontrast til bosettingsmønsteret i Norge, med flere tjenestesteder lokalisert ... -
Dispersion simulation for CBRNE accident coordination training
(Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2024-10-09)FFI has developed a virtual training system that can be used to train incident leaders and responders in the mitigation of accidents involving hazardous substances. The virtual training system was successfully used during ... -
CBRNE Accident Coordination Training (CBRNE-ACT) System – technical description
(2024-10-15)The use of computer simulation and virtual environments allow for cost-effective education, training, and exercises. The training audience can be exposed to scenarios that are inaccessible or too dangerous, too complex, ... -
Statsvitenskapelige perspektiver på cyberoperasjoner – en gjennomgang av sentral litteratur
(2024-10-28)Denne rapporten beskriver og diskuterer sentrale bidrag i den statsvitenskapelige litteraturen om staters bruk av cyberoperasjoner som et maktmiddel i internasjonal politikk. Rapporten er delt inn etter litteratur som ...